3 Things I’ve learned about working from home in the last year

Working from home is one of the best decisions I have ever made. It has allowed me to take care of my young child, work on my blog, and spend time with my wife. This blog post will cover 3 things I’ve learned about working from home in the last year.

Randall Hays
3 min readDec 5, 2021

1. Spend more time with loved ones

One of the best things about working from home is that I get to spend more time with my loved ones. My wife and I can take care of our son together, which has been helpful as well as fulfilling as a parent. We also get to eat breakfast every morning, which we never did when I worked in an office.

We get to spend more time together before the day starts, which has helped our relationship. At my old job, I would wake up at the crack of dawn to eat breakfast before work. With a quick cup of coffee and peanut butter toast, it was gone just as fast. Now that I have time for bacon, eggs, toast with jam, coffee, you name it. We all get to truly sit there and be with each other in a relaxed environment. Every day is different, but our child showers us with laughter and smiles every morning so we know they’re happy too.

2. More flexibility in the hours you work

Another great thing about working from home is that you have a lot more flexibility in the hours you work. I used to always feel rushed to leave my office at the end of the day so I could make it home in time for dinner. Now, if something comes up and I need to work later than usual, I can without any problems. I recall looking at the clock at the office. Nothing was more dreadful than seeing the time being 2:15 because I knew the next few hours were going to drag. I have never felt that feeling working from home.

I hated being stuck in a cube when I wasn’t truly inspired at the moment. Being at home allows me to stay productive when I’m feeling inspired, which is most of the time. I simply need to roll out my office chair and open up my laptop for a few hours in between other tasks at home.

3. No commute and now being more productive at home

The third thing I’ve learned about working from home is that it’s much more productive for me. When I worked in an office, I always felt like I needed to take a break after lunch. Sometimes I would go on walks around the block or chat with my co-workers, but most of the time I would just sit at my desk and doze off.

Working from home has allowed me to wake up early without feeling tired all day. After waking up at eight o’clock in the morning, I’m able to accomplish so much. It would be almost unheard of if someone in an office was productive before ten o’clock in the morning, but it’s very common for me because my day has just begun.

So Thankful. Only Looking Forward.

Overall, I’ve learned that working from home is a great experience. It has allowed me to take care of my son, work on my blog, and spend more time with my wife. If you’re allowed to work from home, I would highly recommend taking it. Employers should consider offering this option to their employees because it allows employees to be more productive and spend time with loved ones. I haven’t regretted it for one second.



Randall Hays

I like to write about the joy & pain of the corporate work world. I did 10 years working in a traditional office. For 3 years I’ve worked from home. WFH rules.